Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 1

6 days left.
The Los Angeles Free Press gets back-up. Two interns dare to do a big step over the Atlantic Ocean, across the whole country to the West Coast, to California, to Palm Desert. Two young Europeans from Germany do America! We will support the staff of the LAFP for three months. It's an internship, which is far from ordinary.
With the big help from Steven Finger, we can start our great time in the USA in 6 days. We will do a roadtrip along the West Coast, visit concerts and go to conventions, speak to interesting people of the music and politic business. Besides bigger cities like L.A., Las Vegas and San Francisco we will also see smaller towns with an interesting background (Eureka...).
But it's time to introduce ourselves. We are two journalism students from Germany. We live in a middle-sized city, two hours from Cologne, in Bielefeld. On the one hand there is Isabel: I am 20 years old, a little messy, interested in everything that has to do with exciting news - some people call me curious. I like travelling and I like to write. To inform people. To find truth. That's why I think I found my pleasure in journalism. And to me the best experience some one can have is the broadening of someone's horizont - I'll do that in the following months.
On the other hand there is Georg: I am 21 years old. My greatest passion? Music. I love playing guitar, I love listening to music, I love discovering old bands and new musicians. I am a well-organized person, spontanious and, definitely, a night person. Journalism will be my field of activity - now and for the next years - because to me there's no better way to be creative than writing a good article that catches people, that interestes people and that is awakening. I am looking forward to the next months, because the last two times I had been in America the wish develops to be more than a tourist. I always wanted to see much more than the Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. I wanted to be a part of a foreign culture, and now I get the chance.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Autism in the USA and GB

We did some research concerning autism in the USA on German and French websites. Unfortunately, there were only rare information on autism caused by vaccines. Finally we found one great website called Impf-Report (Vaccine Report) with many links from international sources. Here's what we found out:
  • against many assumptions the rising number of cases of autism is NOT the result of better diagnostic criteria
  • between 1987 and 1998 the number rises 273 percent
  • it is NOT caused by the high number of immigrants - 90 percent of the children, who suffer from autism, are born in the USA
  • scientists found 6 genes which may predispose autism - but it won't cause an epidemic
  • scientists guess, that autism is a so-called "disease of civilization", caused by our living conditions
  • modern nutrition, enviroment toxics and toxics in vaccines
  • a study with 12 autism-children (1998) showed: a threefold vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps had been admistered to the children
  • many parents with autism children claimed, that their children had been vaccinated with the MRM-injection just before the autism broke out
  • the third autism conference 2002 in Canada was boycotted by the health authorities - scientists were hold to stop discussing the assumption that vaccines may be the reason for autism
  • Dr. Andre Wakefield (London, GB), a leading scientists, who discovered the connection between the MRM-vaccines and autism, lost his job after publishing his findings
  • especially in Great Britain the medicals go on vaccinating children against measles, rubella and mumps - often without informing the parent (there is no vaccine duty for children in GB!)
  • when the british parents wanted to have their kids tested with the cerebrospinal fluid more than 250 clinics decline the checkup - reason: the parents force their children to do medical experiments
  • a clinic in Detroit (USA) was debared to do the analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid with a restraining order from a London court and then from a US-court
  • in the US companies that sell vaccines have a 2 billion dollar fond to pay victims who suffer from toxic vaccines - they do pay the autism victims, but to get the money the patients have to sign a contract which commited them to keep silent and to do not speak about the true reason

Here is the website we used:

http://www.impf-report.de/jahrgang/2004/03.htm#02 - if you scroll down you find other links, that lead to interesting English and American websites.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Spanish Flu / Vaccines

We had read a lot about the Spanish Flu and the impact of the vaccines on the pandemia. We found many information on German websites about that issue. Many of the big German newspapers wrote about that topic, but it never was top news.
The Spanish Flu took place in 1918 and it costs 50 Million lives worldwide. It is called Spanish Flu, because the first documented cases of the deaths came from Spain - but scientists argue, that the first cases came up in Kansas! Eye-witness accounts tell, that only people, who had been vaccinated, died from the disease. People, who had not been vaccinated against the flu, recovered soon, after being treated with "alternative medicine" - without any medicaments. Especially, the soldiers of the troops, involved in the first world war, had been vaccinated against flu and many of them died within a few days after becoming ill.
Scientists discovered, that not the flu was responsible for the many deaths, but the vaccines given to the people causes the disease and the follwoing death. Many vaccines were administered to the people but what the medical staff did not know: the vaccines were full of toxic ingredience. The toxic causes bakteria which attacks and impairs the human immune system (causes an over-reaction). Hence, the affected people died from pneumonia (sometimes scientists guess that it was an internal bleeding of the lungs).
People, often soldiers, who were vaccinated against Typhus, became ill - when the doctors tried to cure the patients with a higher dosis of vaccines the disease got worse.
Other verifications, that the people did not from flu:
  1. The Spanish Flu did not start at one single place but at various places in the world at the same time, even on different continents!
  2. The symptoms of the Spanish Flu are known as symptoms which are similar to after-effects of vaccines (internal bleedings...)
  3. Experiments show: the Spanish Flu was not contagious. Many people, who died from the Spanish Flu, or better: on the after-effects of the vaccines, were between 20 and 30 years old - they had a strong immune system. But because of the bakteria, which caused an over-reaction and a self-destruction of the immune system, the tissue of their lungs was destroyed. The strength of the immune system was their doom.
Various diseases spread worldwide and they were medic-made. We have to rethink the method of vaccinating. Because this historic catastrophe is an issue today.
The problem from 1918 still exists:
  1. Many articles we found said, that the scientists, who do their research on the Spanish Flu, had extracted the bakteria of the vaccines, but they do not treat them with the needed care. A new flare-up of the virus is possible.
  2. Nowadays, every child is vaccinated against everything. Medics advise to get vaccinated against flu every fall. What if the vaccines are contaminated again? How fast will the bakteria spread? Of course, the medical treatment will be much better than in 1918, but even the highly developed industrial countries won't have comprehansive medicine to treat so many sufferer.
The lie of the last century is discovered: the Spanish Flu was a vaccine disaster. The people died from contaminated vaccines, because the medicals adviced Millions to get vaccinated against Typhus, flu and many other diseases, that would not have killed so many patients than the vaccines did.