Thursday, November 6, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 38

"Yes" on Proposition 8 - No same-sex marriages in California, anymore.

Not only the new President of the United States Of America had been elected yesterday.
In California Proposition 8 caused many troubles.
Additionally to the Presidential Election the people in California and some other states had to decide about same-sex marriages.

The Proposition 8 (“Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”) got 52.1 "Yes"-Votes and 47.9 "No"-Votes, which means, that only marriages between a man and a woman are legal before the Californian law.
Thousands of gay marriage are now questioned legally. After the top court in California legalized same-sex marriage in june, 18,000 of gay couples married (source: Los Angeles Times). What about their union now?

The opponents of the gay marriage collect enough signatures to cause a new ballot about the issue. The same happened in Arizona and Florida, where the voters, also, voted against same-sex marriages in their states.
In Arkansas a new ballot decided, that gay couples are no longer allowed to adopt children. The same ballot prohibits unmarried straight couples to adopt children, too.

There are no statements yet, for example from Ellen De Generes, the lesbian comedy star and talkshow host, who married her love Portia de Rossi in August.
Hopefully the supporter of the same-sex marriage will not give up and go on fight for the right of same treatment for everyone.

The website of the supporter ( says: "It's time to for out opponents to respect the people's decision!" comments like this: "As of this point, the election is too close to call."

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