Friday, November 7, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 39

Election Coverage in Europe - "Obama-mania" all over

The newspapers in America had great headlines after the Election Day and published many articles about the Presidential Elections.

Of course, American newspapers are really close to the issue, they did daily, detailled coverage about the candidates and the election during the last months. But what about the European Newspapers? The German newspapers had many articles about Obama's rally in Berlin in June and wrote about the Presidential Election regulary.
The biggest newspaper in Germany stand behind the Democratic candidate and their Wednesday headlines were the following:

- "Back To The American Dream: Obama New President" (Die Zeit)
- "Barack Obama Receives Historical Victory" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
- "Hope Is Here: Obama Is The New President of the USA" (WELT)
- "Yes He Can!" (taz)
- "Historical Election: Obama Is The New American Dream"

The popular newspapers from London, Great Britain titled like this:

- "Obama Makes History" (London Guardian)

Clearly noticeable is the Democratic tendence of the British support for Barack Obama. The coverage on British TV spend 70 percent of the broadcasting time with reports about the Democratic candidates.

The last polls in Europe showed, that 90 percent of the Europeans would vote for Obama - no wonder that the newspapers are full of "Obama-mania" articles, celebrating the new President of the United States.

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