Friday, October 31, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 34

Three days before Election Day the favorites for this election are totally clear. Barack Obama or John McCain will be the next President.
But there are a number of other candidates, which are too weird not to mention them.
Before the coverage about Election Day gets serious on Monday... here are some bizarre candidates who still run for the White House:

1. The "Just Make Sense" party named Frank Moore as their candidate 2008. Moore, who is mute and unable to walk since his birth is 62 years old and a 'Performance Artist'. His political program contains a cutback of the military budget, the total abolishment of atomic power plants, a financial basic supply for American citizens paid by the government, of about $1,000 dollars per month. Additionally, he wants the public transports to be free for all. His tax plan: Everyone with an annual earning of under one million dollars will pay 10 percent taxes, everybody who earns more than that will pay 75 percent taxes.

2. Gene Amondson is the candidate of the "Prohibition Party". The priest wants to ban alcohol from the United States to lower the number of accidents and crimes.

3. The "United Fascist Union" has Jackson Grimes to run against the big parties. The fascist who signs his E-Mails in dependence on Hitler, with "Heil Grimes", wants to establish a "world state" and he wants to abolish money. He also wants to abolish Christianity - another senseless plan.

4. The Socialist Party has (besides Barack Obama like McCain argued) the candidate Brian Moore. The pacifist and opponent of the war in Iraq wants to establish a socialist healthcare system and living space for every citizen.

5. Ron Paul officially gave up his election campaign but, in some states, Ron Paul is still electable. A grass-root participation uses the internet communities YouTube and Facebook to support the libertarian candidate. Paul's claim: The state should keep out of the citizen's lives. Additionally, he wants unlimited possession of weapons and drugs. He also wants the USA to terminate of international organisations like the World Trade Organization.

You see, there are many more candidates besides the usual known politicans like Obama, McCain, Barr or Nader.
Of course, they do not have a chance to become President, but they might take away important votes from the "big" candidates.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 33

Six days before the Presidential elections in the U.S. the candidates Barack Obama and John McCain struggle for each vote in Pennsylvania. Nationally, Obama already has a lead of 16 percentage points. Even in his home state Arizona McCain must fear his leading position.
Barack Obama and John McCain are fighting in the final phase of the campaign for every vote in Pennsylvania. The Republican candidate McCain still hopes to defeat the Democrats to make his way to the Wihte House.

"I have no fear of the fight, I'm ready," said McCain on Tuesday at a rally in Hershey - the chocolate town - in Pennsylvania. If McCain cannot win in this state his chances for the presidency are almost none - because Obama is expected to win several of the states in which Republican George W. Bush had the majority four years ago.

Even in his home state Arizona, McCain must now be afraid to lose the leading position. His lead in the polls in this state has shrunk from seven to just two percentage points - in a statistical variation of three percent. Obama, however, leads in his own state of Illinois with more than 30 percentage points. Nationally, a survey of the Pew Research Center says, that 52 percent of Americans will vote for Obama and 36 percent will vote for McCain. Important for the election on 4 November are the results in the individual states.

The former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney spoke of "the very real possibility of an Obama presidency." In Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty said, Obama has "a pretty good advantage."

The Democratic candidate tries to win voters in Pennsylvania. In a suburb of Philadelphia, around 9,000 people stood in the rain and cold to hear Obama. The senator came in jeans and rain jacket on.
Then he spoke in Virginia, where a hall in Harrisonburg was too small for a total of 20,000 followers to act. The 47-year-old Obama described the election with a view to the age of his 72-year counterparts as a "clear choice between the past and the future."

McCain again reiterated that he is the candidate with greater experience: "I will not be a President, who has to be tested," said McCain, recalling his captivity during the Vietnam war and added: "I voted for you guys, fought in places where it was about more than the return in the Senate. "

Three quarters of their campaign budget is spent on advertisments in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Traditionally, there three states are "Battleground States".
The candidate, who will win in two of this three states, will be the next American President, most likely.
On Wednesday Barack Obama held a rally together with Bill Clinton in Kissimmee, Florida.

In Florida, more people use the possibility of early voting than four years ago. Because of the heavy traffic at the polling Governor Charlie Crist prolonged on Tuesday a possibility of voting from eight to twelve hours a day. The "Early Voting" in Florida ends on Sunday. Even in Georgia voters tolerate up to eight hours waiting time in the purchase order to cast their vote earlier.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 32

What are the Yes-Voters of 'Proposition 8' about?

I wrote about 'Proposition 8' in California in my last Blog Entry.
Especially the young people will wonder now: "Why should anyone vote "Yes" on this proposition? Why should we not tolerate same-sex-marriages?"

Well, the strongest supporters of 'Prop. 8', which says that a marriage can only be between a man and a woman, are the churches.
Their argument is clear: The marriage as a holy union, should not be touched by a governmental law. Quite a good argument, because this does not directly attack the homosexuals, which might be too offensive.
Many churches in California do not want to see the holy union of marriage touched by governmental laws and suggest another type of union "which will not interfere with one's freedom of religion".

The main issue is the separation of state and church - which is completely understandable.

Here is a YouTube video, which tries to explain a 'non-religious' point-of-view.
The video was viewed almost 110,000 times, which shows how effective it is to publish this information as a way to gather grass-root participation and information for or against of these political issues.

The most important thing is, that not every "YES" voter is a fundamental member of a church. To many "Yes" voters "Proposition 8" is a question of definition of "marriage" in the traditional sense. They do support the established laws (297.5) and the same-sex-relationships, but also want to keep the union "marriage" reserved for a man-woman-union.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 31

Next Big Thing: Prop. 8 in California

Everywhere in Hollywood, you cannot only find the typical "Obama/Biden" signs in the windows or the foreyards, the signs with "No on Prop. 8" can be seen everywhere. People standing on the streets holding up the signs to keep the drivers attention.

'Proposition 8' is the other big thing, which concerns the Californians this time.

What is 'Proposition 8'?
The Proposition 8 says, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

The supporters of the proposition say that the law "protects the traditional marriage and prevents other consequences to Californians who will be forced to not just be tolerant of gay lifestyles, but face mandatory compliance regardless of their personal beliefs." (source:

The opponents of the proposition say: "Proposition 8 would be a terrible mistake for California. It's about discrimination" and "We believe in the freedom to make choices without government interference". (source:

In 2000 the people in California voted "yes" on the same issue, but after the protest of interests groups in the state of California in 2004 a new ballot was started and finally the right of same-sex-marriages was passed.

Now, in 2008, the ballot starts again and on November, 4th, the people have to vote "no" or "yes" on the Proposition 8.

Some of Hollywood's actors and celebrities take part at the campaigns, which has been started from both sides of the ballot.
Brad Pitt donated $100,000 Dollars to fight against Proposition 8. Steven Spielberg, comedian Ellen Degeneres are "no-voters", too.
Also, California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama and Joe Biden support the "Vote No on Proposition 8" campaign.

The most famous supporter of Proposition 8 is John McCain, the Republican Presidential candidate, who called the Californians up to vote for the "traditional marriage".

Popular TV shows get in, not only on the up-coming elections, but on the ballot of Proposition 8, too. "Family Guy", "American Dad" and "The Simpsons" picked up the issue.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 30

People are concerned about Obama loosing the elections. On many websites the users discuss about what they will do if McCain becomes the new President of the USA.

Here are some statements taken from

"If Obama were to lose, there will be rioting in the streets! And I'll be at the front of the pack! And shortly after that I'll untie the dock lines to my boat and sail away again." (reflectionsv37)

"The theft would be so huge that there will be tons of evidence of electoral fraud. The Obama campaign has assembled an army of lawyers: they've planned for this. And I'm sure the plans count on massive popular protest to provide much of the political pressure. Obama's greatest leadership challenge will be leading us in PEACEFUL protest. As long as we can keep it peaceful, we'll win." (Mind That)

"If McCain wins, an entire generation will be lost. Obama electrified them and if they lose, they will give up caring. If they give up caring, we get a new batch of Rove-like politics to exploit the dwindling masses who do care. But, that isn't likely...thankfully." (thecozz77)

"If Obama loses I would go into a deep depression. I would fear for my Country with McInsane and Bible Spice in charge. My husband and I would take our 4 children and move." (sueellen)

You can see through these statements how much hope has been put into Barack Obama. The people want to see their country change politically.
Many of them speaking about leaving the country, others predicting riots in the streets.
Manipulated voting machines are mentioned - you can feel how they mistrust the government under George W. Bush and how desperately the want Obama and the Democrats as the new leaders in the US.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 29

Many people are afraid, that the leading Presidential candidate Barack Obama won't win the election even if he leads the actual polls. Many conservative bloggers predict a change of the voters minds on the Election Day. Here is what I think about this prediction that McCain will catch up with Obama and then win the election.

Five points why McCain will NOT win the elections 2008:

1. John McCain's Vice President pick has been proved to be a flop. Sarah Palin can only inspire
the right-wing conservative segment, but not the broad public - which is much more important for the Republican team now. Even some Republicans say that Palin is not ready for the presidency. Moreover, Palin drags many scandals behind her from Troopergate to her wardrobe, which had been paid from the donations. And what if McCain dies during the four years of being President? Palin for President? Too many Americans are afraid of this.

2. McCain's campaign has a negative tone. Palin and McCain claimed, that Obama has close contact to terrorists. They tried to imply connection with former radicals like Ayers, which is ridiculous, because during Ayers active time, Obama was eight years old.
Another negative point of McCain's campaign is the arrogance, which could be seen in the second TV debate, when McCain called Obama "that one".

3. The Grand Old Party is split, because of McCain's controversial campaign. Colin Powell's declaration, that he stands behind Obama, will now influence many undecided voters to vote for the Democratic candidate.

4. Which "Democratic" state can McCain win? In those states he's behind Barack Obama with a binary percent number. Obama leads in the "swing states", where it will be hard for McCain to catch up (see article below about TV spots). Additionally, Obama leads in traditional Republican states like Virginia, Colorado and North Dakota.

5. Obama's campaign is more than an election campaign - it is a movement. Only a movement can motivate so many people to donate for the Candidate. Hundreds of thousands come to Obama's rallies, many more thant the number of people who showing up to the Republican events.
The American people need a new spirit and Obama is the one who can bring the feeling. This is the big difference he has to McCain or even Hillary Clinton.
Conclusion: the fourth of November will be a landslide for the Democrats.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 28

We are still in Tonopah, the little silver seeker town. Here are my impressions about how the people here are touched by the upcoming presidential election.

When we arrived in the town, the first thing we did was entering the next gas station to get something to drink. And what could we do there? We could vote!
John McCain or Barack Obama? But we did not vote for the next president by putting a little cross at the right place - we had to choose a cup for our coffee with McCain's or Obama's face on it.
What a funny idea, and it showed, who is the leader of this coffee cup competition: Only three Obama cups were left besides the coffee machine.

When we drove down the main street, we did not see any sign standing in the front yard or in the windows of the houses. The only bumper sticker was promoting the "National Riffle Association".

But when we visited the gift shop near the local McDonald's, we saw many souvenirs with the candidates' faces, signs or colors.
Comparing to the Obama coffee cup, the souvenir competition was almost even. The Republican key rings do sell as good (or as bad) as the Democratic key rings.
Key rings, mouse pads, stickers, buttons and signs could be bought in the shop.
We asked the owner of the gift shop, if this is the normal reaction on to a presidential election.
"No", she said. "I can not remember having these souvenirs of the parties and candidates for sale."
The pop star feeling during this election can not be denied even in Tonopah.
Does she sale the election souvenirs to residents? She laughted: "The only ones who buys these are the younger people and, of course, the tourists, especially tourists from Europe. It is not a political statement for them. For them it is only a souvenir, just like the fake horseshoes or the cowboys hats."

Again, you can see, that the presidential election touches Europe, too. Maybe the pop star image of the campaigns of the candidates affect the Europeans more than the American citizens, who refuses to buy Obama mouse pads and demonstrabltely concentrate on the candidates' programs and politics.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 27

The "Pre-Election time" forces us to watch many TV. Most of the time we watch CNN to follow the coverage of Barack Obama's and John McCain's campaigns.

But there is not only the candidate's TV spots, the expert's interviews and the coverage of the rallies. Another topic, which is broadcasted very much is the missing 3-years-old girl Caylee in Orlando, Florida.

CNN spends around 7 minutes with this issue during their "headline news" and "breaking news" and has got additionally, a TV format which is called "Nancy Grace". Nancy Grace is the host of this program. She interviews experts, for example the lawyer of the family. The issue of the missing girl is causing much attention, because the 26-year-old mother of Cayleen is suspected to had killed her daughter for no reasons. The mother, Casey Anthony, was arrested, after she had lied to the police many times and built a net of lies.

Nancy Grace does not only do the coverage the case, but she gets telephone calls of the viewers during the show, who can ask questions, tell their opinon an suspects to the issue.
Additionally there is a weblog of the broadcast, where the viewers can post comments and hints to where Caylee might be.
There are many scenes from the court, where Casey Anthony rejected to help solving the case and she refused to tell something which might help finding her daughter.

During the show headlines run through the lower half of the screen saying: "Death penalty for tot mom" and "Tot Mom: I'm innocent, police won't break me", "Caylee poisoned with Chlorophorm" - very up to the point and maybe wrong.
Many pictures of missing Caylee are shown, mixed with photos of the suspected mom Casey.

"Nancy Grace" is a TV format which will never exist in Germany. It is too public for the German laws, which say, that a suspected person can only find guilty, if a court does judge him or her. It would never be allowed to involve the pubic so much like it is done in the "Nance Grace" format.

"Nancy Grace" goes very far: The host yells at "experts" which mark that there are barely no proofs which can proof Casey Anthony as the murderer of the little girl.
Her tone gets ironically and angry, she is holding up some papers, which should be copies of "secret documents" of the court.

One time she argued with the lawyers of the mother of the little girl. "I want to know the truth! I want to see this mother in jail for what she did to her little girl!", she claimed very loud. She listed proof of why to find the client Casey Anthony guilty - and the lawyer just did not know what to say and started yelling at Nancy Grace, too until the theme music and a slide show of Caylee pictures interrupted the "interview".

All in all, Nancy Grace is a great host, she really got me and I watched the "news format" until the end. But is it ok to broadcast a 90 minutes show about a missing girl, whose mother is supected to be the murderer? The general assuming that the mother is guilty and Nacy Grace' character and way of hosting the show, let me think of a angry mob of people hundred years ago, when self-justice was practised.
Maybe, this TV format is exactly what the American people want to see and Nancy Grace just speaks out what they are thinking and what they want to hear.

I did not find any numbers of now many people are watching this show, but after 20 weeks of searching for Caylee "Nancy Grace" still has 90 minutes of broadcasting time in the early evening on CNN - the interest in this show must be there.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 26

One thing which is pretty much mentioned in the German and US-media is the huge amount of campaign contributions, Barack Obama receives from the people.
During the September, Obama collected more than 150 Million US-Dollars.
Additionally, both candidates got 84 million dollars from the public funds in the beginning of the campaign.
The questions is, what happens to this incredible sum of money? How is it used?

One major expenses areis the TV spots of the candidates.
The "New York Times" reported, that Obama finances TV spots of his campaign with the donations - and he spends four times more money than his opponent McCain.

Election campaign experts have no doubts, that the financial superiority has an influence on the final decision of the voters.
Obama can afford the "’luxury’" to invest in many TV spots in states, which are known as safe Republican strongholds.
This forces McCain to invest in such states, that his team did not budget previously. And the Republican candidate is already under pressure, because of his financial disadvantage.

"The whole traditional division of the states can be questioned, because Barack Obama has an almost unlimited amount of donations.", says the "Washington Post". "Obama forces McCain to defend instead of starting an offensive campaign - just because McCain has less financial resources at hand."

A study of the University of Wisconsin says, that the Obama team spends more than $1.2 million dollars for TV spots in North Carolina in just one week! McCain spends only $148,.000 dollars on spots in this state.
Another ‘"battleground state’" is Virginia. Barack Obama invested $2.1 million dollars in TV spots there, again in one week.

In other ‘"battleground states’" like Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Obama spent money three times as much McCain did.
To save money, McCain stopped the TV spots in Michigan, completely, because the advantage of his opponent cannot be catched caught up until the election day.

"We are in a strong position," says David Axelrod, one of Obama's strategists. "In a stronger position than the Democrats had ever been during an election campaigns of the recent years."
Obama's TV dominance will be even more obvious, the closer the election day comes. Shortly before the 4th of November, he wants to broadcast spots, which are 30 minutes long - additionally to the TV spots, which can be seen on the TV, already.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 25

"Who is Barack Obama?" Asks the Republican presidential candidate John McCain to show the fickleness of the Democratic candidate. After the last TV duel, however, the question is: 'Who is John McCain?'

We are still in Mead View, Arizona and, of course, we watched the third and final presidential debate on TV.
Even if politics is more or less “my” topic, I ask Georg what he thinks about the debate, what impressed him, what surprised him.

“The first thirty minutes I was really surprised by McCain. Well, he began with economy. And he was furious, funny, sharp-witted and he really seems to care about the Americans and their practical problems. Best sentence was ‘I am not George W. Bush. If you want to compete against him, you should have run for office 4 years ago.’ You could see that Obama was a little out of concept.”

Yes, this is what the viewers really mentioned. A strong and funny John McCain, who could reveal his program to the Americans.
But then Joe the plumber appeared…

“When McCain started to talk about Joe the plumber I must start laughing. To me this is a little too far fetched. But Obama had to take the defensive position and John McCain succeeded again.”, Georg said.

After the first half of the debate it looks like a clear victory for the Republican.
But then, John McCain changed his tactics and the great turnaround of the debate started.

Georg: “McCain started personal attacks against Barack Obama. He blamed him to have close contact to terrorists. Sorry, again too personal, too harsh, too senseless. Is McCain’s program so bad, that he has to do that? I could see the sudden change of his facial expressions – the friendly smile, the gentle but resolute tone turned into an angry face, which showed hidden aggressions of the Republican. That was the wrong tactic.”

Before the debate, McCain’s Republican friends had tried to stop him from starting the personal attacks again, cause they were afraid of deterring undecided voters.

“I could see that Obama was the leading man again. McCain could not make one single point in the second half of the debate. Not at the school politic, the abortion issue or the energy questions.”

‘Who is John McCain’ seems to be the important question, because during this presidential debate he showed us two faces. The one, which is really resolute, friendly and issue-orientated. But the other side of the candidate is frightening: The angry, morose old man, who can hardly hide his anger.
To say it with the words of a Republican TV advertisement spot: “How dangerous.”

Georg’s resume and the opinion of the polls, which were started after the debate are the same: Barack Obama won the third and final presidential debate. The Republicans have now 18 days to find the turnaround for their candidate to have again the chance to win this election.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 24

The third and last presidential debate was shown on TV this evening.
Before it started, many experts had assumed, that McCain will be a lot more offensive in this final debate and that Obama will be more defensive in order to bring his leading position of the last two debates home.
Exactly this happened. While Obama stayed calm during the whole dabate, Senator McCain used every single opportunity to make an attack against his democratic opponent.
A nice try - but this strong offensive behavior let the candidate appear like a dogmatic Republican.
Obama could make his points of his programs clear, he was again the leading candidate in this debate.

Interesting to see: Different to the big cities, the people in Mead View did not meet in the restaurants or bars to watch the debate together. In the restaurant we were tonight (and it is the only one in around 65 miles) the TV was switched on, but the tone was mute and no one seems to waste a short look on it.

In the following blog entry tomorrow, I will include Georg's point-of-view to this debate.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 23

We are traveling, again. From Las Vegas to Arizona we took the Interstate 93 to go South.
When we came through the Hoover Dam, we had to open every door of our car, so that the officers could check everything. They said, it was a "random security check", but what had caught their interest was the car, packed and loaded with thousands of bags, a tent, sleeping bags and, of course, the two stuffed animal dogs, which sat above all this on the back seat of the car.
But after 5 minutes, we were allowed to go on driving and we continued our way to the hot desert of Arizona.
Before we left the city of sin, we'd been in the Hard Rock Café and in the Hard Rock Hotel, where we watched the exposés of 50 years rock history. Mostly, old costumes, worn on music videos or concerts, you could also see the guitars of rock heroes like Pearl Jam, Greatful Dead, Kiss and Johnny Cash.
Our destination for today is a little town near the famous platform on the Grand Canyon where brave tourists can climb a few steps to have a great over view over the Canyons. After the hectic and ‘big city’ evenings in Vegas, we want to find a nice little motel, or a camping ground, where we can stay and visit some indian reservations and the Grand Canyon - but without the brave tourists.
Unfortunately, we did not know, that the clocks in the desert are so much different to the clocks in LV. When we arrived at the "Canyon's End Motel" it was 11pm and everything was dark and closed. The motel office was locked and it seemed as there weren't even guests in the dark motel rooms.As if there is even a worse case: We were running out of gas and when we drove to the next little town, where a sign said "Gas! Food! Camping!" - but just like the motel everything was closed, dark and locked.The only chance to get some sleep, this night, was to stay in the car. With a blanket from the "Air France" plane, a sleeping bag and some towels, Georg and I prepared for a night in the car.
Of course, even though we were tired to death, we could not find any sleep - but in the dusk of the next day, we woke up and, fortunately, we saw people with cans of coffee working in the motel office.
We put on our jackets - it was very cold outside, because the sun did not come over the tops of the mountains, yet - and went in to get one cup of hot coffee.
And we could check in to room number 7. Blue sky, sunshine and a little nice and clean room: perfect!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 22

The weather in Las Vegas is against our plans to visit Arizona: Cold winds, temperatures under the 40 degree mark - we decided to stay in Vegas, where the hotels and casinos are much warmer than our tent in the cold desert of Arizona.
We'd been in our favorite bar again and this evening we met Martin. He wore a black suit and an elegant hat. Martin works as a personal trainer in a fitness center in Las Vegas and we couldn't believe that this man, who is in such a great shape is actually 53 years old! He proudly showed us his muscles on his arms.
But this strong man has got worries about his country."Of course I am a great supporter of Barack Obama's campaign. I definitely will vote for him on the 4th of November. But you, as young Germans, can not imagine how much this county still suffers from racism. I am afraid, that the voters who are supporting Obama now, will not vote for him at election day, just because he is black. Many Americans do not want a black man as their President. It is not long ago, that Blacks were not allowed to sit in the front of a bus - I know those stories from my grandparents. Sometimes I can feel how many Americans still look at me and see the former slaves. I can feel how they think, they're better than we black people. You know, what I love to see? Children from every race playing together without prejudices, without judging each other, because of their skin color. That's because they are innocent, as long as they are children. I think, it is the main problem of our society: that there are still people, who judge the others because of their skin color - why can't we just stay innocent like children? I'd love to stay a child forever!"
Martin laughed. "I really hope, that Obama is the next President of the USA. This would be great signal to the people who are still racists. This will be a great signal to the foreign countries of the world: America has learned that every one is the same!"

I had no idea that the issue of racism is still such a big one in America. Variety is one of America's big pluses, I think. And of course, a black President would support that variety and tolerance much more than another white man, like McCain.

Just like Martin, who was named after Martin Luther King, I am hopeful, that the American voter will see this big plus and take advantage of it and make Barack Obama the new President of the United States.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 21

How the financial crisis affects American familiesI wrote about how the American financial crisis has an impact on the economy in Las Vegas. But what do normal American families do? How might they suffer from the effects of the crisis and the reduction thatcomes from the insolvencies of banks and companies?
I spoke to a woman who I met at the barber. Lois is 32 and works a full-time job at the shop. She has a 7-year-old daughter. She talked with me about the situation in America for her, now.
"I do fear, that I could lose my job, of course. This barber shop is not the only one in Las Vegas - we have less regular customers. It's the tourists we depend on. If they will stop spending money in Vegas, they must cut jobs. I still get the same salary, but the prices increase. Who can afford a day in a theme park for almost 90 dollars per person? My daughter Sheila wants to do that, but how can I spend 200 dollars just for the entrance? I am a single parent and I must watch my money. No specials possible. I have to pay the rent, my debts, the monthly bills, food, clothes. And everything gets more expensive. It really breaks my heart to have my daughter asking to go to the movies and I have to say "no" because I do not know what hard times will come and I have to save some money. I do not know how to pay Sheila's college in a few years! And I know that it is not only me who has to fear the future. Most of my friends have to think about every single penny they want to spend."
Even I, as a foreigner, can feel the climate is changing in the country: TV commercials with men and women advertise for their help in financial questions or help with problems to pay credit cards.
The insurance companies promote car insurance, health insurance and more - the Americans want to feel safe in such insecure times. The years of mindlessness are over.
The candidates try to reveal that they will secure the people in the country by creating a health insurance system. To me, only Barack Obama can convince me with his program concerning the health system.
But how much of Obama's programs can be achieved, when the USA has to carry the 700 Billion rescue package?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 20

The Presidential Elections in the USA touches not only Germany and the German media.Many countries in Europe bother about who will be the next American President. McCain or Obama?

A poll showed that the Netherlands and Germany support Barack Obama to a huge degree. 92 percent would vote for Obama in the Netherlands and 85 percent in Germany. Countries like France, Spain and Australia would support the Senator from Illinois with around 75 percent.
John McCain has the "strongest" support in India and South Africa - but even there he would achieve only 26 percent of the votes.
Interesting to see, is the difference between the priorities the states in Europe have.While in Germany the people worry about environment protection, human rights and poverty most, the French and Spanish people want to see work on the social justice in the USA. Russia's first priority is the war against terrorism.
In America, the people want to see their new President dealing with topics like the economic crisis, the war in Iraq and on terrorism - protection of the environment and the use of alternate resources is no issue for a huge number of voters. After eight years of a Republican president, who leaves now with more damage than achievements, the Europeans hope for a change. The foreign politics of the United States need to become less offensive. The European states feel endangered when the President of the most powerful nation in the world practices such an aggressive politic in foreign countries, like Iran and Iraq and Afghanistan.
What the politicians now want is a quick change in the war-shaken parts of the world. The USA has the (military) power and the resources to solve problems in countries like Georgia or Afghanistan - but in the last years there was a lack of understanding. The new President will have to face big problems in the country, but he can use his knowledge and the strength of the nation to help foreign countries, too. That is the hope of the states overseas.

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 19

We are still in Las Vegas. We enjoy being in the city very much. But the financial crisis is feelable even here - where you feel so far away from the real world.
Some hard times will come to the world capital of abundance. Las Vegas: rediculous hotel buildings, mega-casinos and the twinkling lights at the poshy Las Vegas Boulevard, the "strip"... The U.S. gambling capital, Las Vegas, a symbol of the wasteful prosperity - now an economic downturn and recession fears have made the money flows dry up.

Tourists stay out, hotels laid off employees, construction projects will be stopped, the Casino's stock values decrease. The famous ‘Tropicana’ struggles to survive - until 2010 - the hotel was planned to be the biggest casino in the world. These plans are now stopped. The company isn't able to borrow more credits any longer.
The worth of the real estate in Vegas has decreased about 26 percent in the first three month of 2008.

The economic shock had taken the glittering city unprepared. The old rule, that the gambling industry is immune against recession - just a lie. The endless spoiling of money had stopped. The earning from gambling decreased about 5 percent. The revenue in Las Vegas has grown every year since 1970, not even the terroristic attack in 2001 could not harm Las Vegas' economy to that degree!

The dazzling, gigantic investor Donald Trump has stopped the construction of his second hotel tower at the "strip". Las Vegas' first "Trump Tower" now stands alone on a plain field - waiting for better times to come. And the giant hotel "Mirage" - famous for its incredible volcano eruption show, has just fired 440 staff members of the middle manager level in order to save money.

"The financial crisis is different to the former ones", says an analyst of the "Deutsche Bank" about the situation in Las Vegas. "The financial sector is only 40 percent of the Las Vegas economy. Many visitors are not players. They are in Las Vegas to use the many entertainment offers of the restaurants, spas, shows and ightclubs. And the crisis touches this industry, too."

The stock shares of the big hotels like Mirage, Sands and Bellagio decreased about 40 percent since the beginning of 2008.

Stag parties for future husbands and wives from Australia and Great Britain are very popular, today. Just proving that help for the city's economy can be found in the weak dollar exchange rate - Las Vegas as a cheap holiday destination for foreign citizens – even if not for its own citizens.

Marketing experts work hard to find new sources, where the money can come from.

The strategy of the businessmen and businesswomen stays the same, even in the worst crisis - If a financial sector gets to weak, a new one must be found.

Hopefully the bright shining city of lights will not be a victim of the financial crisis.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 18

One thing I really have to mention here is the difference between the American election campaigns and the German election campaigns.
The American campaigns of the parties took place on the internet - in an over-whelming mass. Especially the Democratic Party uses the internet to connect to the "normal" people like you and me. First thing I did, when the name Barack Obama came up in the media: I looked for his website with "Google". His presence in the internet is impressive.
Social Networking is important to win the voters, to give them the chance to find our more about the candidate's programs and profile.
The clicks on the internet are obviously: 3 of 4 clicks, made during a search for information on election campaigns, are for Obama (source: Hitwise).

Flickr, Twitter and YouTube are the important social networks during this election campaign. And again, Obama leads the click race. 1.3 Million Obama-supporter on Facebook, in comparison to McCain, who has got 200000 "friends" on that network, a huge number.
Another important thing for this internet campaign is Twitter. The user writes in 120 charts, were he is and what he does at the moment. With Twitter you subscribe at a profile, for example at Obama's profile, and "follow" him to wherever he goes. A fine thing to stay in touch and to underline the close connection to the voters and supporter.
At YouTube the candidates can load up their videos. McCain's account got 20 Million clicks - but that is nothing against Barack Obama's channel: 52 Million views on his videos! Single videos has got millions of clicks. The speech about racial problems was watched almost five million times.

You have to consider, that Obama's target group are the young people, who are between 20 and 30 years old. A group of voters which are 50 Million people. 90 percent of this people are online and 70 percent have profiles on Facebook,, MySpace or Twitter. And another fact, which shows the importance of the internet for the candidates: 40 percent of the voters get their election information from the internet.
The actual campaign reacted and the candidates use the mass media internet to a huge degree.

The German election campaigns did not use the internet that much. Every party has got it's website, our chancellor Angela Merkel has a videocast every week, where she delivers a short speech about the happenings of the last week. Of course, this creates a modern image, but the resources, which are definitly there, are not perfectly used, yet. Maybe for the election campaign, the big parties will discover the media internet, which if such an important factor for today's politics.

If you want to see, how the candidates try to win the voters then visit their interesting websites:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 17

The Debate of Sarah Palin and Joe Biden is a topic in the German media, too.
During the last week, Sarah Palin had been described as a insecure and a shilly-shally person, who has hardly any experiences in politics. The parodies of her person in the late-night-shows had been the content of many German comments on to the presidential elections in the USA.
But now, after the dabate, all this changed. Sarah Palin isn't anylonger the "underdog" the "no-name politician from Alaska".
Joe Biden was expected to be competent and self-secure during the debate. No surprises. With his long years of experience in politics he succeeded, of course.
But the German media waited to see the downfall of Sarah Palin during the debate. But Sarah Palin does not act according to the expectations.
Palin showed her abandon ans self-confidence, which had made her become popular in the first days of her candidature. The charming "Hockey Mom" was relaxed, her voice sounded confirmed - the complete opposite to her interviews of the last days. She stand in for her and McCain's positions and the viewer could see and hear her confidence, while she was speaking to the American nation.
The German media demonstrates respect to the vice-presidential candidate Palin. "Palin conquers America, again" and other positively sounding headlines, could be read in the newspapers and online editions.
The debate was shown in TV - the viewer levels were higher than they had been during the Presidential debate with Obama and McCain.
The coverage gets more and more intense. That shows, that Germany is curious about who will be the next President of the USA and who will be in the leading and responsible position to solve the financial problems.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 16

We arrived in Las Vegas - our camping trip to the Yosemite Nationalpark was cancelled, because one night of endless rain destroyed our dreams of having a dry and comfortable tent.
With wet hair and socks, a little drousy, because we left our tent at 3 am to sleep in the car, we hit the road to go to Las Vegas. Through the endless wilderness of Yosemite, Sierra Nevada and the deserts, we drove 9 hours until we saw the first lights of Las Vegas.

We checked in a cheap motel, the "El Mirador", and went to a bar at the 5th avenue, near the Las Vegas Boulevard. The bar is called "5th Avenue" - what a clue. It remembered us on our favorite bar in our hometown in Germany. A pool table, darts and many slot machines were in the little room.
The bar man had to open the door for us: "Just for security", he told us.
Only four people were in the bar, sitting at the bar - each with a glass of beer in their hands. The bar man gave us our drinks and smiled a teethless smile. "Where are you from?", he asked. Our accent, again... "From Germany? Nice country, hm?" He took a seat next to us. "Hope you do not have the problems we have in America." He must have seen our surprised view around, noticing the few people.
The bar man Nick started to tell us his story:
"Two years ago, everything was great in here. I had a nice year in 2006. Look over there, I bought the flat screen TV to watch the Super Bowl. Man, we had a great summer. But then my wife got the diagnose, that she had cancer. Well to cut a long story short. Her treatments costs us our complete savings. When she died in August of 2007, I had nothing, but the pub and a lot of unpaid bills. No chance to pay another month the runnings debts. Fortunately, I bought the building here many years ago, so I do not have to pay the rent for the pub." Bill took a break and fetched another Bud for us. One of the guests left. "Bye Nick, see you tomorrow", the grey-haired man with with the cowboy hat, stepped out of the door.
"You see, I have my guests who come in here every day after work. But I barely see any other people coming in this year." Nick sat down. "In the end of 2007 I noticed, that not only I have got financial problems. Many of my friends could not pay their bills, many of my every-day-guests, did not come anymore. To me the start of the financial crisis is in 2007. But after my wife's death I had much more problems, that unpaid bills and creditcard debts. Now, after a year, I see it clear. If there's no change in our economy, I will lose my pub. I was always my own boss. I had a good running business in Las Vegas - my whole life a was a barman and I had a great income. I never felt this frightened of what happens next that this days. You know, I never trusted in politics. I was never interested in what happens in Washington. But now I am affected by their doing. My business runs, I can survive, but what if, my last guests won't come anymore? In this bad times, who can afford to spend maybe 20 Dollars a day for just being in my pub?"
I asked him, what he thinks about the upcoming elections. He laughted. "Well, to me the question 'Obama or McCain' does not matter much. I will go and vote. I am a Republican and I will vote for McCain - I will take advantage of my right to vote. But I think, it is a long way to go until our economy is fixed again. You can destroy it very fast - but to rebuild it it will take a long time."

We left the pub and the conversation left a bad taste in our mouths. Now we'd seen how much the financial situation of the economy can affect the average people in America.
Hopefully, there will be a good plan made by the new president, which will help to get America's economy back on it's feet.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 15

Another German view on to the financial crisis in America

After talking to a friend of mine yesterday, who is really in to finances and the world politics, I had a conversation with another good German friend of mine as the financial matter is still so much of the news here in America, who is spending the next months in Peru, participating at social projects.
She has a less "analyzing" and "professional" point of view on to the things that happen here.

This is what Sophia said (again, my translation into English):

"I just wondered if there is any sense to "rescue" a financial system that is obviously ailing. The systems in the USA are created to show huge earnings to satisfy the shareholders. Everyone must see that this "winnings bubble" will burst someday - and now it happened. The USA does not have any money to invest in social projects, welfare, health care or education - but suddenly there are 700 Billion Dollars. The USA will "burn" 700 Billion Dollar, just to feed the glutton, the giants, which are obviously dying. 700 Billion US-Dollar - that's $3,000 Dollars for each American citizen. Where are the earnings from the last good years?

When I think about this situation, I see a drunk gambler in Las Vegas, who lost all his money and tries to find someone to give him more money, that he can gamble again. "Next time I'll win! I am sure!"
I am glad to see that the wrong turn of the Republican government is discovered before the elections. But I feel sorry for the Democrats and Mr. Obama. Even if they win the elections, there won't be any time to celebrate - the new president must clean up the mess the last government leaves behind.
I think not a single cent should be invested in the financial system of the USA - it is ailing and cannot be rescued by putting more and more money into it. It would be a hard time for the American economy to manage this crisis without having billions to revert on - every country will go through crisis - but it would be much more long-lasting to "rescue" a system with prospective programs, than with hundrets of billions of dollars that will be blown in the wind of the dying financial system.

I do not know enough about the American society - but I read an article some weeks ago which says how the different nations handle their money. Germans like to save their money. They want to have security, they want to have some money for bad times. Germans do not like buying on credit - even this mentality will change in a few years, I think.In comparison to this mentality, the article said, the average American has got 5 credit cards or mortgages. Many credit cards must be paid with the earned money - if there is a shortage, there is no chance to pay their debts, for example, the mortgage for the house.
It is not surprising then, that the real estate crisis came up some months ago!
I really hope, and especially for the people, that this crisis will be solved on one way or the other. But making more debts to pay the other's debts - this is a fishy system, which will not work in the long run."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 14

The German view on to the financial crisis in America I

The Financial Crisis in the USA shakes the world’s financial market.

I spoke with a good friend of mine, Stefan, who I know from school and he gave me a nice statement, what he – as a professed socialist and sociology and politics student – thinks about the situation.

I spoke with him in German. Here is what he said – I translated it into English:

“Now raging a worldwide financial crisis, the assets in billions of dollars destroyed. Is this the end of capitalism? I would say, there is a crisis, but not a collapse. Cynics might say: Some lose money, others win it.
Nevertheless, this crisis is obviously seriously – it shows where the development of capitalism had lead. Both of us, Americans and Germans, are living in a society that is dominated by shareholders.
Even if the US-government starts to nationalize the banks, they still act accordingly to the money and to those who own it. You can see it: every time when a rescue packages is decided, the stock-market prices rise. What about the “Deficit Spending”? First there was the systematical destroying of the classic welfare state and then the government tried to ‘calm’ the poor people with cheap mortgages. Who profits? The banks. They will be rescued during the next crisis, when the people cannot pay their credit card debts.

You can see, that in times of globalization, the financial market cannot be controlled by one nation only. The situation touches everyone, every nation.
I, as a poltical active student from Germany, would say, the financial crisis is the last coffin nail for the great power fantasies of the United States.
Of course the presidential candidate McCain had another view on it. Barack Obama is my wish candidate for the White House – but, in fact, it doesn’t matter now. What ever their plans are – now they have to keep in mind, that there is a rescue packages coming up, which will be worth 700 billion dollars.
Neither plans like invading Iran, nor plans of creating a new welfare system, can be realized, because there is simply a lack of money.
Now, there are limits for the US-politics: The war in Iraq and the financial crisis are some heavy weights to lift. The belief that the USA might be the world leader gets more and more absurd.

This crisis let me think much further – I am thinking about a revolution: Climate change, food shortage and the financial crisis. Where are the revolutionaries? The anti-globalization activists came together in Malmö this week. They are not more than 8,000 people there. I really hope, that this movement will become bigger – the people must show, that they keep their eyes open, that they watch the governments.

But coming back to the impact of the “American” financial crisis on to the world. Yes, I think, that this is a bad crisis. Our Chcancellor, Angela Merkel said, that the break-down of the financial market would have a terrible impact on to the general public in Germany. If the circuits of the money comes to a sudden stop, it directly threatens the real economy, not only in America, but in Europe, too - and hence jobs and tax revenues.

What are the plans of the German government? The rescue of “Hypo Real Estate Bank” with public funds. Now you are asking why should an American financial crisis have impact on to German banks? You, the reader, have to know, that the “Hypo Real Estate Group” in an investor, who invests money in real estates in over-seas. So they did in America. During the financial crisis in the USA, they lost money and are not able to pay their debts. To save the group and it’s bank the German government and the CEOs of the biggest banks in Germany decided at 9/28/08 to put a guarantee for the HREB, which will balance the failures. Let’s see if this is the right way.
The German Minister of Finance, Peer Steinbrück, apparently wants for the given state aid significantly, less return service, as the United States do. But new laws for banks? Not yet.

The people in Germany are very angry about that State subsidies. But this does not have an direct impact on the next elections in Germany, because they will be in 2009 – the crisis will be out of the voters’ minds. But look at America: the influence of the voter’s anger on to the American elections will be obvious in less than 35 days.”