Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Travellers’ Blog Entry No. 26

One thing which is pretty much mentioned in the German and US-media is the huge amount of campaign contributions, Barack Obama receives from the people.
During the September, Obama collected more than 150 Million US-Dollars.
Additionally, both candidates got 84 million dollars from the public funds in the beginning of the campaign.
The questions is, what happens to this incredible sum of money? How is it used?

One major expenses areis the TV spots of the candidates.
The "New York Times" reported, that Obama finances TV spots of his campaign with the donations - and he spends four times more money than his opponent McCain.

Election campaign experts have no doubts, that the financial superiority has an influence on the final decision of the voters.
Obama can afford the "’luxury’" to invest in many TV spots in states, which are known as safe Republican strongholds.
This forces McCain to invest in such states, that his team did not budget previously. And the Republican candidate is already under pressure, because of his financial disadvantage.

"The whole traditional division of the states can be questioned, because Barack Obama has an almost unlimited amount of donations.", says the "Washington Post". "Obama forces McCain to defend instead of starting an offensive campaign - just because McCain has less financial resources at hand."

A study of the University of Wisconsin says, that the Obama team spends more than $1.2 million dollars for TV spots in North Carolina in just one week! McCain spends only $148,.000 dollars on spots in this state.
Another ‘"battleground state’" is Virginia. Barack Obama invested $2.1 million dollars in TV spots there, again in one week.

In other ‘"battleground states’" like Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Obama spent money three times as much McCain did.
To save money, McCain stopped the TV spots in Michigan, completely, because the advantage of his opponent cannot be catched caught up until the election day.

"We are in a strong position," says David Axelrod, one of Obama's strategists. "In a stronger position than the Democrats had ever been during an election campaigns of the recent years."
Obama's TV dominance will be even more obvious, the closer the election day comes. Shortly before the 4th of November, he wants to broadcast spots, which are 30 minutes long - additionally to the TV spots, which can be seen on the TV, already.

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